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Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39

hab den who's online hack jetzt schon zum 4ten male installiert und bekomme das teil einfach nicht zum laufen...

in der gesamtuebersicht wird gar nichts angezeigt und wenn ich in eine kategorie reingehe dann zeigt er mir den status nur einmal an, beim zweiten mal ist wieder alles weg...

fuer hilfe weaere ich sehr dankbar, da ich diesen hack unbedingt zum laufen bekommen muss...


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Joined: Feb 2001
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deutscher Member
deutscher Member
Joined: Feb 2001
Posts: 956
Zwei mögliche Fehler :

1.) Hast du "Mods Wordlet Install" step 3 kontrolliert ??? Auch wenn da steht das du diesen Schritt überspringen soll's, kontrolliert das trotzdem mal.

2.) In der ubb_forum_summary.cgi gibt es den Befehl "print 'ThisHTML';" dreimal und vor allen dreien must du die Änderung machen.Es hört sich so an als hättes du es nur einmal gemacht und wenn das ubb die Seite aus dem cache holt wird der text nicht ersetzt.Er ist nämlich in deiner Seite vorhanden.

Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39
also soviel ich weiss hab ich das dreimal eingefuegt...

hier der quelltext:

# UBB Public Forum Summary Page : Perl Code

# get assigned style template!
unless (exists($template_match{summary_page})) { $template_match{summary_page} = 1; }
require "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/styles/vars_style_$template_match{summary_page}.cgi";


sub forum_summary {
local($file_name, $RegisteredMemberLine, @CATEGORIES, @sortedforums);
##### Who's online? Code Block by Elliott "Borg" Brady
local($Online_Wording); local($Online_Details); local($replace); local(@nullit);
($Online_Wording, $Online_Details, @nullit) = &GetOnlineUsers($username);

$replace = qq~


##### / Who's online? Code block by Elliott "Borg" Brady

if ($in{category} eq '') {
if ( ($vars_misc{use_cache} ne 'no') && (-e "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/cache-$cache_cookie/ubb_files/summary/summary.html")) {
$ThisHTML = &OpenFileAsVar("$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/cache-$cache_cookie/ubb_files/summary/summary.html");
print "$ThisHTML";
$ThisHTML =~ s//$replace/g;
} else {
if ($vars_display{CategoriesOnly} ne 'false') {
# if this is a category-only view & specific category is selected
if (($vars_misc{use_cache} ne 'no') && (-e "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/cache-$cache_cookie/ubb_files/summary/summary-$in{category}.html") && ($in{category} > 0)) {
$ThisHTML = &OpenFileAsVar("$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/cache-$cache_cookie/ubb_files/summary/summary-$in{category}.html");
print "$ThisHTML";
$ThisHTML =~ s//$replace/g;

# page is not available in cache, so we need to create it now

# do we have a categories file?
unless (-e "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/categories.file") {
require "$vars_config{CGIPath}/ubb_lib_2.cgi";

@CATEGORIES = &OpenFileAsArray("$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/categories.file");

# exceptions
if ($in{category} ne '') { $vars_display{CategoriesOnly} = 'false'; }

# sort the forums
@sortedforums = &SortForums; #returns @sortedforums

# get top of page from
$ThisHTML = $Header;

# show registered members count?
if ($vars_display{DisplayMemberTotal} eq 'true') {
open (MEM, "$vars_config{MembersPath}/membertotal.cgi");
my $TotalMembers = ;
close (MEM);
$RegisteredMemberLine = qq~$vars_wordlets{reg_members_total} $TotalMembers~;
if ($vars_display{NewestMemberWelcome} eq 'yes') {
my @newbie = &GetNewestMember;
if ($newbie[0] ne '') {
if ($RegisteredMemberLine ne '') { $RegisteredMemberLine .= '
'; }
$RegisteredMemberLine .= qq!$vars_wordlets{new_member_welcome} $newbie[0]!;

# get HTML bits for this page
require "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/Templates/";

# which view is it?
if ($vars_display{CategoriesOnly} eq 'true') {
} else {

# get bottom of page from
$ThisHTML .= $Footer;

if ($in{category} eq '') {
$file_name = 'summary';
} else {
$file_name = "summary-$in{category}";

unless ($in{category} > 0) {


# print to file
open(FILE, ">$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/cache-$cache_cookie/ubb_files/summary/$file_name.html");
print FILE "$ThisHTML";
chmod(0777, "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/cache-$cache_cookie/ubb_files/summary/$file_name.html");

#display onscreen
print "$ThisHTML";
$ThisHTML =~ s//$replace/g; exit;
} # end forum_summary


sub NormalView {
my @forumlist = @_;

local ($each, @thisforuminfo, $x, $GetHour, $GetMinute, $MilHour, $GetMonth, $GetYear, $GetDate, $LastTime, $LastDate, $AMpm, @lasttime, $LatestTime, $TheDate, $forumcategory, $thisforumcategory, $CategoryName, $ExactPath, @data, $TotalTopics, $TotalPosts, @lasttime, $ForumName, $Moderator, $TheDate, $DateWording, @mods, $Breaker, $ForumDesc, $ForumCoded, $JYear, $NewStuffIcon, $LPTime, $LPMonth, $LastPostJulian, $alt_color, $MilHour, $j, $ColSpan, $private, $last_author, $last_subject, $msg_icon, $last_post_number, $msg_icon2);

$ThisHTML .= &PageTop; # some HTML
$ThisHTML .= &Normal_Table_Top; # more HTML


# determine colspan
$ColSpan = 3;
if ($vars_display{ShowMods} eq 'yes') { $ColSpan++; }
if ($vars_display{ForumTotalOption} eq 'Both') {
$ColSpan = $ColSpan + 2;
} else {

for $each(@forumlist) {
undef($msg_icon2); undef($msg_icon);

@thisforuminfo = split(/|^|/, $each);
$x = "$thisforuminfo[8]";

$exact_path = "Forum$x";
if ($thisforuminfo[6] eq 'private') { $exact_path .= "/private-$thisforuminfo[7]"; }

undef($GetHour); undef($GetMinute);
undef($MilHour); undef($TheDate); undef($LatestTime);

if ($vars_display{CategoryView} eq 'yes') {
$thisforumcategory = $thisforuminfo[0];

if ($thisforumcategory ne "$forumcategory") {

$CategoryName = &GetCatName($thisforumcategory);
# print category strip
$ThisHTML .= &CategoryStrip;

$forumcategory = "$thisforumcategory";
} # end if categoryview eq yes

# Get Forum Data from lastnumber.file(s)
if (-e "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/$exact_path/lastnumber.file") {
@data = &OpenFileAsArray("$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/$exact_path/lastnumber.file");
$last_topic_number = $data[6]; chomp($last_topic_number);
$TotalTopics = $data[1]; chomp($TotalTopics);
$TotalPosts = $data[2]; chomp($TotalPosts);
$last_subject = $data[3]; chomp($last_subject);

if (length($last_subject) > 35) {
$last_subject = substr($last_subject, 0, 34);
$last_subject .= ' ...';

$last_author = $data[4]; chomp($last_author);
$msg_icon = $data[5]; chomp($msg_icon);
$last_post_number = $data[6]; chomp($last_post_number);

if ($msg_icon ne '') {
$msg_icon = qq! !;
} else {
$msg_icon = qq! !;

if ($last_author ne '') { $last_author = "($last_author)
"; }

# make sure topic has not been deleted--
unless (-e "$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/$exact_path/$last_topic_number.cgi") {
$last_author = ''; $last_subject = ''; $msg_icon = '';

} else {
$TotalTopics = 0;
$TotalPosts = 0;
$last_author = ''; $last_subject = ''; $msg_icon = ''; $last_post_number = '';
$msg_icon2 = qq! !;

# don't show last message for private forums!
if ($thisforuminfo[6] eq 'private') {
$last_author = ''; $last_subject = ''; $msg_icon = '';
$msg_icon2 = qq! !;

if ($TotalTopics eq '') { $TotalTopics = 0; }
if ($TotalPosts eq '') { $TotalPosts = 0; }

if ($TotalTopics > 0) {

@lasttime = &OpenFileAsArray("$vars_config{NonCGIPath}/$exact_path/lasttime.file");

$LastDate = $lasttime[0]; chomp($LastDate);
$LastTime = $lasttime[1]; chomp ($LastTime);
$LatestTime = &TimeFormat($LastTime);

# grab mil hour, minutes for jtime indicators!
($GetHour, $GetMinute) = split(/:/, $LastTime);
($GetMinute, $AMpm) = split(/ /, $GetMinute); chomp($AMpm);
($GetMonth, $GetDate, $GetYear) = split(/-/, $LastDate);
$GetYear = &Y2K($GetYear);
$LastDate = ("$GetMonth" . "-" . "$GetDate" . "-" . "$GetYear");
$TheDate = &DateFormat($LastDate);

$MilTime = &ConvertTo24Hour($GetHour, $GetMinute, $AMpm);
($MilHour, $j) = split(":", $MilTime);

} else {
$GetMonth = ''; $GetDate= '';
$GetYear = ''; $LatestTime = '';
$TheDate = ''; $msg_icon2 = '';

$ForumName = $thisforuminfo[1];

$Moderator = &GetModLine("$x");

$ForumDesc = $thisforuminfo[2]; $ForumDesc =~ s/"/"/g;
$ForumName =~ s//\//g;

if ($vars_display{ForumDescriptions} eq 'no') { $ForumDesc = ''; }

#default light bulb to off
$NewStuffIcon = qq!!;

if ($GetMonth ne '') {

# Compare Last Login Time to Last Post Time..
$LPMonth = $GetMonth;
$JYear = &Y2K($GetYear);
$LastPostJulian = &jday($LPMonth, $GetDate, $JYear);

$LPTime = ("$MilHour" . "$GetMinute");

$LastPostJulian = ($LastPostJulian + ($LPTime * 0.0001));

} else {

$LastPostJulian = '0';
} # end if/else month ne ''

# what-ifs
if ($LatestTime eq '') { $LatestTime = ' '; }
if ($Moderator eq '') { $Moderator = ' '; }

if ($thisforuminfo[6] eq 'none&none') {
$TheDate = "$vars_wordlets{read_only_forum}";
$LatestTime = ''; $last_author = ''; $last_subject = ''; $msg_icon = '';
if ($TotalTopics > 0) {
$msg_icon2 = qq! !;

if ($msg_icon2 eq '') { $msg_icon2 = ' '; }

$ThisHTML .= &Normal_Table_Row; # THE HTML TABLE ROW


$ThisHTML .= &PageBottom;

} #end NormalView

sub SortForums {
#this returns @sortforums, a sorted list based on display requirements

local (%forum_order_list, %forum_name_list, %cat_list, %forum_line_list, @sorted_forums, @sortit, $key, @checkit, @forums, @sortforums, $sort, $cat_type, $j, $k);
my @allforums = &OpenForumsFile;
$sort = '';

# make sure only open forums are listed
foreach $j(@allforums) {
chomp($j); @checkit = split(/|^|/, $j);
if ($checkit[3] eq 'On') {
$forum_order_list{$checkit[8]} = "$checkit[14]";
$forum_name_list{$checkit[8]} = "$checkit[1]";
$forum_line_list{$checkit[8]} = "$j";

# create cat list:
if ($checkit[0] > 0) { $cat_list{$checkit[8]} = "$checkit[0]"; }

} # end if forum is ON
} # end foreach allforums

# sort forum list:
@sorted_forums = sort { $forum_order_list{$a} <=> $forum_order_list{$b} } keys %forum_order_list;

# sort based on requirements -> get @sortforums
if ($in{category} ne '') {

foreach (@sorted_forums) {
if ($in{category} eq "$cat_list{$_}") { push(@sortforums, $forum_line_list{$_}); }

} else {

if ($vars_display{CategoryView} eq 'yes') {

# for categories view--

@sortit = sort(@CATEGORIES);

my ($ThisCatNam, $ThisCatNumb);

foreach $cat_type(@sortit) {
($j, $ThisCatNam, $ThisCatNumb) = split(/|^|/, $cat_type);

foreach $key(@sorted_forums) {

if (exists($cat_list{$key})) {
if ($cat_list{$key} eq "$ThisCatNumb") {
push(@sortforums, $forum_line_list{$key});
} # end exists
} # end cat list key match

} # end foreach sorted forum

} # end foreach cat type

} else {

# for no categories view--

foreach (@sorted_forums) {
push(@sortforums, $forum_line_list{$_});

} # end if/else category view

} # end if category-specific

} # end sort forums

sub GetNewestMember {
local($last, @last, @newbie_profile);

if (-e "$vars_config{MembersPath}/last_approved.cgi") {
$last = &OpenFileAsVar("$vars_config{MembersPath}/last_approved.cgi");
} else {
$last = &OpenFileAsVar("$vars_config{MembersPath}/last_number.cgi");

if ($last ne '') { $last = &Do8Digit($last); }
if ((-e "$vars_config{MembersPath}/$last.cgi") && ($last ne '')) {
@newbie_profile = &OpenProfile($last);
chomp($newbie_profile[15]); chomp($newbie_profile[0]);
if ($newbie_profile[15] eq '') {
$newbie_profile[15] = "$newbie_profile[0]";
$last[0] = $newbie_profile[15]; $last[1] = $last;

sub CatOnlyView {
local(@cats, $cat_color, $cat_line, $cat_name, $cat_number, $cat_order, $forum_count, $k, @this_match);
my @forum_list = @_;

$ThisHTML .= &PageTop; # some HTML
$ThisHTML .= &Cat_Table_Top; # more HTML

#sort categories
@cats = sort(@CATEGORIES);

# set row color
$cat_color = "$vars_style{AltColumnColor1}";

foreach $cat_line(@cats) {
($cat_order, $cat_name, $cat_number) = split(/|^|/, $cat_line);
$forum_count = 0;

#sift forums
foreach $k(@forum_list) {
if ($k =~ /^$cat_number|/) {
@this_match = split(/|^|/, $k);
if ($this_match[3] eq 'On') {
if ($forum_count > 0) {

$ThisHTML .= &Cat_Row;

} #each cat
$ThisHTML .= &Cat_Page_Bottom;
} #end cat only view
# DANGER: Do not remove the next line!

Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39

hab ich auch noch mal alles kontrolliert, soweit ich das erkennen kann ist alles richtig..

Joined: Feb 2001
Posts: 956
deutscher Member
deutscher Member
Joined: Feb 2001
Posts: 956
Also in der Beschreibung von Who is Online steht dort
ADD Above = darüber hinzufügen
du hast es aber darunter gesetzt !!!

Sponsored Links
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39
Joined: May 2001
Posts: 39
yes, das war der fehler !!!!

hab ich wohl irgendwie uebersehen...

vielen dank !!!


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